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Sort table data with React

6 min read

Sort table data with React

Often when you have a table with information you’d want to be able to sort the information in the table in ascending or descending order, especially when you are dealing with numbers.

In this tutorial we’re going to see how to do exactly that using ReactJS.

Here’s what we’re going to build:


We have a list of the top 10 billionaires in the world and we want to sort the list based on the net worth of the billionaires. I got the list information from theweek.co.uk website.


Before we move on, let’s see the things that we’re going to use in this tutorial:

  1. FontAwesome - for icons
  2. Foundation - for general styling. We’re using this especially for the table styling as we don’t want to get distracted by the styling in this tutorial
  3. ReactJS - please note that I’m not going to explain the basics of React in this tutorial. By continuing I’m assuming that you worked with it before (although the things that we’re going to do aren’t hard at all 😄)
  4. The data - as mentioned above, we’ll get a list of the top 10 billionaires in the world plus their net worth

The Data

We’re going to create an array with objects containing the name of the billionaires and their net worth in billion USD:

const tableData = [
		name: 'Amancio Ortega',
		net_worth: 62.7
		name: 'Bernard Arnault',
		net_worth: 76
		name: 'Bill Gates',
		net_worth: 96.5
		name: 'Carlos Sim Helu',
		net_worth: 64
		name: 'Jeff Bezos',
		net_worth: 131
		name: 'Larry Ellison',
		net_worth: 58
		name: 'Larry Page',
		net_worth: 50.8
		name: 'Mark Zuckerberg',
		net_worth: 62.3
		name: 'Michael Bloomberg',
		net_worth: 55.5
		name: 'Warren Buffet',
		net_worth: 82.5

The App component

This component will the be main one which will be generated on the page. It only has some text + the <Table /> component and it’s passing down to it the tableData we declared above.

const App = () => (
	<div className='text-center'>
		<h4>A list of top 10 richest billionaires.</h4>
			Click on the icon next to "Net Worth" to see the sorting functionality

		<Table data={tableData} />

			* Data gathered from{' '}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

Now that all of that is out of the way, we can focus on what’s important 😉:

The Table component

It’ll be a class component as we need to use the state in it, but first let’s focus on the render method. We’ll map over the data that’s coming from the parent component and we’ll create a table row (tr) for every data in the array. Alongside that we have a basic table structure (table > thead + tbody).

class Table extends React.Component {
	render() {
		const { data } = this.props;

		return (
			data.length > 0 && (
				<table className='text-left'>
							<th>Net Worth</th>
						{data.map(p => (

Next, the sorting…

We’re going to have 3 types of sorts: 'default', 'up' (ascending), 'down' (descending). These types will be changed with the aid of a button which will have a FontAwesome icon depending which sort type is currently active. Let’s create an object which will give us the necessary information:

const sortTypes = {
	up: {
		class: 'sort-up',
		fn: (a, b) => a.net_worth - b.net_worth
	down: {
		class: 'sort-down',
		fn: (a, b) => b.net_worth - a.net_worth
	default: {
		class: 'sort',
		fn: (a, b) => a

As you can see, we have two props for each type of sorts:

  1. class - this will be used by the icon in the button as we’ll see which state is currently active
  2. fn - this will be the function that we’ll use to sort the items in the array before we display it in the table. Basically we’re comparing the net_worth property of the objects

Great so far! 😄

We also need to add a currentSort state to the Table component which will keep track of the active sort type and finally, we’ll have an onSortChange method which will be called every time the sort button will be clicked and it will change the currentSort value.

A lot of words 😅, but let’s see the code and I bet you’ll understand 😉:

class Table extends React.Component {
	// declaring the default state
	state = {
		currentSort: 'default'

	// method called every time the sort button is clicked
	// it will change the currentSort value to the next one
	onSortChange = () => {
		const { currentSort } = this.state;
		let nextSort;

		if (currentSort === 'down') nextSort = 'up';
		else if (currentSort === 'up') nextSort = 'default';
		else if (currentSort === 'default') nextSort = 'down';

			currentSort: nextSort

	render() {
		const { data } = this.props;
		const { currentSort } = this.state;

		return (
			data.length > 0 && (
				<table className='text-left'>
								Net Worth
								<button onClick={this.onSortChange}>
									<i className={`fas fa-${sortTypes[currentSort].class}`} />
						{[...data].sort(sortTypes[currentSort].fn).map(p => (

Notice that we’re not changing the original data array, but we’re creating another array with the ... (spread) operator, and then we’re using the fn given by the sortTypes object to sort the array accordingly.


That’s pretty much it! Now you know how to sort a table based on the values in a column. Congratulations! 😄

Happy Coding! 😇

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