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I built an app to track my working hours

3 min read

I’ll be honest… I’m not the most hard working person out there.

Ok, who I am kidding?… I haven’t worked much unless there’s a project that I’m really pasionate about.

I’ve probably been the biggest procrastinator out there. Or at least that’s what I felt many times in my life.

Things like:

“I’ll just watch this one TikTok video” … 1 hour later … “WTH?! 🤦‍♂️🫢😳”

Or even things like:

“Let me watch this quick YouTube tutorial. That’s productive time, right?” … 2 hours later … “No… it was NOT productive at all!”

You get the point. I’m a procrastinator.

Or should I say, I used to be a procrastinator? Because I discovered a solution!

The solution?

I built an app to track the hours I’m working on my projects! And I made it fun!

How it started

January is usually the time we all set goals for the new year and one of my goals was to build a new working habit. I wanted to be more productive and focused.

So, I’ve been working on a new app that helped me with my procrastination issue.

It’s a gamified time-tracking app that I’ve been using to go from 15-20 mins of focused work per day to working over 240 minutes! All within one week of launching the MVP of the app!

And not just work, but focused-work! Whenever I turn the timer on, I’m in the zone!

I built the app while using the app to track my time (kinda meta, I know 😄), and I also wrote articles and did some marketing for it.

Being a gamer myself, I’ve also added features to gamify the app and make it more engaging.

Features like:

  • A public timeline to see who’s working on which project
  • A leaderboard to see who’s the most active on the platform (I am currently #1 - haha! 😏)
  • A GitHub-like grid which shows your progress. Each square lights up depending on whether you work more or less.

And this is just the first phase of the project. I want to gamify it even more!

I’m thinking about adding:

  • Badges
  • Streaks
  • Goals
  • Todos
  • And maybe even rewards (if I can figure out how to do it properly 🤔)

Also, as I’ve shared the project online and asked for feedback - btw, thanks to all the early testers 💜 - I managed to get a lot of great ideas to improve the app and…

I got 2 lifetime sales! 🥳

Will continue to work on the app in the following weeks, while documenting my journey on the blog.

So stay tuned if you want to find out more!

Cya! 👋

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