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I created a video every day

4 min read

At the end of 2019 I promised that 2020 will be all about my YouTube channel. So that’s what I did. 😃

On the first day of January I started the #31Days31Videos challenge in which I had to upload a video on my channel, every single day, for the entire month of January.

You can find all the videos in this playlist. It covers topics like: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and some tips for website development.

Among the 31 videos, I also did 11 Live Streams in which we (me and the community) built a couple of projects and websites. (Landing Page, Portfolio Website, Countries REST Web App, ReactJS App and much more…)

So that makes up to a total of 42 videos uploaded to my YouTube channel in January 2020. A lot of work, I must say. 😆 But it was a lot of fun too!

Now let’s see how this helped my channel…

Before the Challenge

I started uploading videos to the channel on 7th November 2019. By the end of the year I uploaded 11 videos and I did 2 Live Streams which got me:

  • 1,800 Subscribers
  • 430 Watch Time (hours)

After the Challenge

As mentioned above, in January 2020 I uploaded 31 videos (for the #31Days31Videos challenge) and I did 11 Live Streams which got me an extra of:

  • 4,000 Subscribers
  • 2,600 Watch Time (hours)

Here is a screenshot of January analytics: Analytics

Besides uploading the videos I also worked a lot on sharing them on multiple Social Media platforms like: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, HackerNews, IndieHackers, Dev.to, FreeCodeCamp.

People say I’m everywhere and… that’s true 😆. Nowadays it’s important to have as many eyes 👀 on your content as possible because you never know what could happen. And thanks to Social Media it’s easier than ever to do that.

And I also had a couple of collaborations with Brad Traversy, Creative-Tim and FrontendMentors which helped on “spreading the word” about my channel.

Future Plans

Now that the challenge is over I’m planning to continue to upload at least 3 videos and do 1 Live Stream every week.

Also, I’m looking for more collaborations with other YouTubers and/or companies which would be interested in this so that I can get in front of more people.

The mighty goal of 2020 is to get to 100,000 Subscribers! 🤞

Until then though, I want to reach 4,000 watch time hours (800 hours left) in order to be able to monetize the channel. This will help a lil’ considering that this is all that I do now… (It will help a lil’ more actually 😆).

And… There will be more challenges, because that’s how we roll! 😎

Have you heard about my plans to conquer the FreeCodeCamp curriculum in a series of Live Streams? 😏 Stay tuned for more info about it!


Although it was a lot of work on producing the content, it was a fun month. I’ve learned a lot along the way, made new friends for which I’m very grateful and I’m very happy that I did something that I really enjoyed doing and I hope that it will continue this way! 😃

If you want to follow along my YouTube journey, you can subscribe to my channel. More crazy challenges are coming! 😉

In the meantime… Happy coding! 😇

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